Sunday 30 June 2013

How to do indirect writes - the barmy answer.

Yes, I've finally come up with the answer.

Regular reader(s) (he posted optimistically) may remember I have a problem that I cannot do an indirect write in the SM-510.

For example, I cannot have a value in one memory location and use that as an address to store another value in.

I'd come to the conclusion that this was actually impossible to do, short of huge indexed jump type solutions. The reason being there was only the two storage locations inside the CPU and one was needed to load a value into the other from memory, hence it was impossible to load a value into each from memory.

But I was wrong ! There is another storage location - the carry flag.

So what this solution does, is to a bit at a time rotate the value to be written into the carry flag, then rotate that bit into the place where it is being saved. As you can imagine this isn't the most efficient method of transferring four bits but it does work.

It is basically this four times, once for each bit in question:

    exc 0
    exc 0
    exc 0
    exc 0

It might actually be better in practice to do it via an indexed jump solution, because it's quicker, albeit not as demented and smart-alecky.

Here's a challenge if you want to stay awake. Set up a scenario - say Memory location 4 contains 7, which is the memory location you want to set to 6. So A = 6, B = 4 and RAM(B) = 7.  Now figure out how it works  to put 6 in RAM(7) :)

(it's actually simpler than it looks. The first rot shifts the source data bit, the second shifts it into the target data. the exc 0/exbla/exc 0 sequences set up the target data and unpick it again)

Actually my current version adds 1 to RAM(B) (an incb/skip before the last exbla in the fourth bit shift) so it can be called sequentially to copy memory locations one after the other.

The TMS1x00 does this in one instruction basically, TMY.

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