Monday 24 June 2013

Another bug fix

The TM, TML and RTN instructions weren't doing their job, this is now fixed.

Additionally there is a procedure mechanism using TM which works as follows:


    proc pname
    (do stuff)


    tm pname

it also has a pseudo operation 'extpage' which works like nextpage except that it skips pages 0 and 16 of ROM memory which are used for this mechanism. Procedures can be defined retrospectively. Only 32 (currently) are allowed.

The point of this is that you can write page independent code. The assembler takes care of patching up the procedure links (it does this via pages 0 and 16, and possibly later 17), and you don't have to bother with TML (which only works in certain pages). This can now just be ignored.

The stack is only two levels deep so it's still not going to be very structured though.....

First (tuneless but working) release of emulator with working code.

Yep, a first release. Only version 0.1 but it does work :)

There are three components. There is the assembler, the emulator (pictured) and the source code and binary for the demo

The latter is a zip with two files in it - an assembler source (hardware.asm) and a binary object (test.bin). You can assemble the source file using the jar file in the assembler using

java -jar sharpasm.jar hardware.asm

This will actually produce a file called hardware.bin. I used test.bin because that's the name of the default file in the emulator , e.g. you can either start it with

java -jar watchman.jar hardware.bin


java -jar watchman.jar

the former loading hardware.bin and the latter loading test.bin. It starts off much as shown (the reason for the odd patterns on the watch display is random data in RAM).

If you run it (Debug/Run or press F5) the display will change continually. All it's doing is counting 0000-1111 in binary and filling display memory with that nibble, so you get a cycling pattern. It's a very dull demo, it just is there to test the buttons and buzzer are working.

If you give the watch window the focus the keys will work. They are Z (left), X (right), L (fire) and M (mode). All they do is stop the pattern circulating and fill the display memory with the bit pattern representing those keys. Pressing the mode key causes the buzzer to start as well, this is really bad at the moment and I'll make it better. As it's modulating a 4Khz tone it will sound better on the emulator than it would really.

If the keys don't seem to be working is probably because you don't have the focus on the watch (right hand) window.

But it does work :)